Self Confidence

Self Confidence is really important. It helps you realize that you are a fantastic you!

For example, selfies are a great example of self-confidence because you want to take a photo of your self in a really great moment. There’s a reason why selfies sound like SELF confidence so much.

Another example of self-confidence is smiling. You smile a lot, and when you smile it states that you are so happy, you wanna show it on yourself. You make other people happy when you have self-confidence.

When you feel uncomfortable with yourself, it makes others feel unhappy with them selves. Make yourself and others happy by feel confident. Also, it doesn’t hurt to give others a boost in their confidence once in a while.

This video shows a little minecraft guy get confidence in himself, to get over his loss, and give confidence to his village. Enjoy!

Credit to Martin5531 on Vimeo and the original owner of this music video, Captain Sparklez.

4 thoughts on “Self Confidence

  1. Caiya this video is inspiring I like the fact that it relates to minecraft in a very inspiring way. The day you showed it to me(today) I was like mind blown😮😱😮.

  2. YAY!!! CAPTAINSPARKLEZ!!! I watch him sometimes. The reason I like to watch him is because he sometimes plays with one of my favorite Minecraft YouTubers, SkyDoesMinecraft! This video is also one of my favorite Minecraft music videos

  3. Omg I love that video can you show me how to do that with your videos. Ps your awesome best friend.

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