From Good to Bad in 30 Seconds

Today, was Easter Sunday, as you probably know. I am here to tell you that my day wasn’t all rainbows sunshine, lollipops, and magical-ness.
I woke up this morning feeling good, because it was supposed to be a magical morning because the Easter Bunny came and all that. Anyway… I was awoken to the sound of my brother, Logan, saying, “Its Easter!” in my ear. I slept for a few minutes after because it was Spring Break and about 6:00 in the morning so I thought, ‘What the Heck? Just a few more minutes…’
Later, after I actually woke up around 6:30, my brother has already looked for the the eggs and he said there were no Easter Baskets. Turns out the Bunny hid them.
After we found all the eggs and ate some candy, we got dressed for Easter Sunday Mass, and went there. Let me tell ya, if felt like a LONG mass because I was still tired and waiting for the day to get a move on. Don’t get me wrong, I love Mass, it’s just that this one felt especially long.
Soon after we drove home after mass, we had blaw (my way of saying we relaxing for a while) hours. Eventually we had to get dressed and go to my Aunt Lee’s house for Easter Dinner (it was around 1:00 by then. So like Easter Lunch). My cousin, Victoria (she’s 12), and her little 2 yr old sister, Kitty (that’s a nickname) and we played and hung out with her, her sister, Logan, and ate.
A while later, we took pictures, had pie, played outside, had more pie, took more pictures, and then it was time to leave. It was when we were on the road that it turned to bad in 30 seconds. We were driving when we hit a pothole and broke our tire. Imagine having to wait, in the hot sun, at the gas station, with not that many places open, on Easter Sunday, waiting for a guy to tell us more bad news that we had to get a new rim. Doesn’t that sound fun. (Sarcasm…. ~imagine hearing ‘sarcasm’ as a whisper on the wind~)
We WERE planning on going to the beach and playing with our new kites the Bunny brought us at the beach tomorrow, but now we have to deal with the tire so…. Oh well.
So. That’s my story of going from Good to Bad in 30 seconds. I hope you had a less hot, waiting, and annoying Easter than I did. Thank you.

One thought on “From Good to Bad in 30 Seconds

  1. Oh my gosh Caiya! I love pie! Your day sounded fun at first but maybe the pothole wasn’t that fun. The easter bunny hid my basket to! I love going my families house and eat,play, and drive (ignore that last word). Hee hee I love your post and your family. Well, Bye!

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